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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Washington's Epic Battle, War or Peace

Faster than many political observers expected, the Democratic-controlled Congress is moving to challenge George W. Bush's war policies, a battle that likely will start with a non-binding "sense of Congress" resolution opposing Bush's escalation in Iraq. While some anti-war activists have criticized the move as "only symbolic," political analyst Brent Budowsky argues that the resolution will lay the groundwork for more momentous battles in the weeks ahead. January 12, 2007


Despite Bush administration denials about planned attacks on Iran, there is a powerful and dangerous logic carrying the United States toward a wider war in the Middle East. There also is an accumulation of evidence that George W. Bush is putting in place the military and political infrastructure for escalating the Iraq War into a regional conflagration. Indeed, the momentum might already be too strong -- and the preparations too advanced -- to turn around. January 14, 2007



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