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Thursday, January 18, 2007

WH Trying To Prevent More Republicans From Joining Resolution Against Bush's Iraq Plan

Associated Press ANNE FLAHERTY January 17, 2007 10:42 PM

A Senate resolution opposing President Bush's war plan onIraq put the White House and Republican leaders on the defensive Wednesday as they scurried to prevent a trickle of GOP support for the measure from swelling into a deluge.

Eager to avoid an embarrassing congressional rebuke of the president's new war strategy, the administration seemed to hint that the effort -- led chiefly by Democrats -- might somehow be of assistance to terrorists. They also herded GOP skeptics to the White House, where they tried to allay the concerns of Republican lawmakers including Sens. John Warner (news, bio, voting record) of Virginia, Sam Brownback (news, bio, voting record) of Kansas, Norm Coleman (news, bio, voting record) of Minnesota and Susan Collins (news, bio, voting record) of Maine.



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