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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blackmailing Bush; how the "Dear Leader" duped "The Decider"

Mike Whitney

The Bush foreign policy is predicated on one simple axiom: "We will stop the world’s most dangerous men from getting their hands on the world’s most dangerous weapons". By that standard, Bush’s dealings with North Korea have been a wretched failure. After 6 years of fruitless saber rattling and belligerence, the North detonated a nuclear bomb in early October and put region on notice that there’s a new member in the nuclear weapons club (...) There’s no chance that the administration will persuade the North to "denuclearize" (the administration’s word du jour). Kim knows that the real objective of US policy is regime change and that guarantees that he will never give up his nukes. Instead, he plans to use the upcoming negotiations as a means of extorting more concessions from Bush and the allies...

continua / continued


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