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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blame it all on Bush. That is our mantra right now

You talking about the psychotic deviate most of America thought it would be ohhhh so wonderfullllllll to have a beer with, DON'T FRIGGING PUT ME IN WITH THAT BRAIN DEAD LOT, I knew exactly what crimes that psycho would commit way back in 2000 when your supreme court selected him as your so called pres, and don't expect me to have any respect for a White House that created the monster.
Steve Moyer, Al-Jazeerah

If we end up creating a huge conflagration in the Middle East we will "blame it all on Bush." He is the worst President ever in American history. He lied us into an unnecessary war. He created unnecessary conflict. He inflamed the terrorism of the Middle East. Excuse me for breaking the contemporary spell, but "it's all us." Sure, Bush did it. It's all true. He's an evil President. But he's doing our will. We are the evil people who want a scapegoat for our own greed and selfishness. We want to "blame it all on Bush" so we don't have to take responsibility for the reality we create...

continua / continued


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