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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Malcom Lagauche

...In November 2003, word came out that more than 400,000 bodies had been discovered in mass graves in Iraq. "The whole country is a mass graveyard" was the slogan of the day. Finally, proof of Saddam being the Butcher of Baghdad was there for the whole world to see. Case closed. Let’s go forward a few months from the discovery of the almost half million bodies. On July 18, 2004, the headline of the day for the British paper The Independent read, "British Prime Minister Admits Graves Claim Untrue." How could that be? George Bush and Tony Blair don’t lie. If we can’t trust them, who can we trust? Certainly not Saddam, even though he told the truth about WMD. That must have been a fluke. According to the article: Downing Street has admitted to The Observer that repeated claims by Tony Blair that "about 400,000 bodies had been found in Iraqi mass graves" is untrue, and only about 5,000 corpses have so far been uncovered.(...) If we take a look at the existing 5,000 bodies, most, if not all, are males of military age. Forensic tests have proven that many in the south were killed by U.S. bombs in Desert Storm. If you look at a map, you will see that the south of Iraq was heavily bombed in January and February 1991 (...) Human Rights Watch has not been penalized for perpetrating one of the biggest lies in history. It just goes along making accusations against myriad regimes the U.S. does not favor. But, because of the demonizing of Saddam Hussein, more than three million Iraqis since January 17, 1991 have been killed. Saddam Hussein should not have been on the docket in a kangaroo Baghdad court. Human Rights Watch should have been in a Baghdad court with real judges dishing out penalties for the group’s involvement in the murdering of millions of Iraqis...

continua / continued


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