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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Last Tango in Baghdad ?

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues

...So anyone with a modicum of common sense would conclude that: a) the current Iraqi Government is nothing in fact but an agency for Teheran's directives. b) the current Iraqi Government is nothing but an agency for Washington's plans in both Iraq and the region. c) that the Brits partial pull out is not due to defeat as some like to claim but quite the opposite. The "pull out" from the South is precisely because they established their primary objective - facilitating the partition plan by handing over the south to the Iranian Revolutionary Council and to the Sadrists and their military base will back the so called Iraqi Army which is comprised by none but the above group. d) that the so called security crackdown plan is really aimed at "cleaning" out all pockets of resistance be it armed or civilians both in the "sunni triangle" and in the northern city of Kirkuk by "flushing" out Turkmen and Arabs. (both groups are anti-occupation by the way) e) that the new oil law that will be passing soon in parliament for approval, came out when all the above operations are fully underway paving the path for the ultimate partitioning of Iraq. f) that those who are stuck in the details fail to see the bigger picture. Namely that an Iranian Islamic State in Iraq is in, full fledged and getting stronger and that none other but America has helped install it and counts on it for its "success" in operation Freedom....

continua / continued


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