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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our brave John Howard

a guest: Aussie: Brave John Howard

To preserve his position as one of the members of the "Coalition of the Willing" John Howard, like George Bush cannot admit defeat. To do so would be the first step to the Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal. Hence the "Bravado" and the stupid smile. Howard will do anything it takes to destroy opposition to preserve himself. To call the opposition a coward is only the start of his campaign of denigration

Australia's brave Prime Minister John Howard had the temerity to stand up in the Australian Parliament this week and call the Leader of the Opposition a coward on national television, because Kevin Rudd opposes the Iraq war and wants to bring Australian troops home: "He hasn't got the guts to say what would happen if we pulled out our troops," said Howard.

He's talking about 1400 Australian troops, a token force in Iraq so that John Howard gets to talk to George Bush on the telephone occasionally and even, once, got an invitation to the Crawford Ranch. This week he hosts the repulsive Vice-President Dick Cheyney, here to prop up Howard in an election year. Our military contingent is so small it would not affect the outcome in Iraq one way or another.

Like his mates Bush and Cheyney, brave John Howard has never known military service. The first two were draft dodgers in the Vietnam war. Perhaps Howard was lucky not to have his birth date drawn out of a barrel in the Robert Menzies "lottery of death." Rudd got a chance to make the point that it doesn't take courage to send other people's some and daughters off to war.

It does, however, take courage to speak out against war. Look at the case of Father Daniel Berrigan, a Jesuit Priest, now eighty-five years old, who was once on the FBI Ten Most Wanted list for speaking out against the Vietnam war in a country that prides itself on its freedoms. Look at his successor, Father John Dear, another Jesuit priest, who has been arrested seventy-five times in America for his anti-war activism and spent eight months in jail. Father Dear is coming to Australia next month to speak against the Iraq war in all out major cities. That is, if brave John Howard will give him a visa.

Brave John Howard loves to glorify war, about which he knows absolutely nothing. Brave John Howard never sees the mangled bodies of small children and their innocent mothers and brothers and sisters that is the human debris of Iraq and Palestine and Lebanon.

Brave John Howard gets all his information about these war from Rupert Murdoch's sanitized pro-Bush newspapers and television. He did not see not see the six-year-old Palestinian girl on an internet video last week, telling us how she survived an Israeli gas and rocket attack that destroyed all her toys. They did not see her hold up her clothes and announce to the world that they smelled so bad that she would never wear them again.

That little girl could teach John Howard something about the ugliness of war and true bravery.

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