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Monday, February 12, 2007




This Morning I received an email from a Link that I have posted, out of respect and sadness for the innocent lives lost.

If you are the person who left the hateful comment on our Fallen Heroes blog, you are entitled to your opinions, but not on our blog. That is a place to honor our fallen, not air ignorant peoples hideous opinions. Linking to us will not be allowed by you either.

I hope you get over your hatred before it swallows you up.

--Posted by Terri Rager to ReBelle Nation at 2/12/2007 12:40:34 PM

I sent a reply to same address, but the reply was rejected, access denied.

So Terri Rager if you happen into this site, my answer to you is brief!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me,

Unfrikingbelievable you accuse a person of leaving a hateful comment on your Fallen Heroes Blog, why in the hell would I do such a thing, I put that Link out there out of sadness, to let people know what their Country had lost.

Reminds me of how Our Countries, got into this illegal war and occupation, that has led to the killing of so many innocent souls Iraqi, American, and Coalition, just like your President and his bunch of goons you accuse without proof. just accusations.

I do not know what has prompted this email, but if you have ever read this site, you would know that my anger has never been with the soldiers of this God Forsaken War, but the Gang of thugs in the White House and their Goons, that led our Countries to War on a Sovereign Country, and innocent people who have never, at any time turned their arms on our Countries,

Excuse me have you as yet figured out why we are over there killing and being killed, now was it WMDs, Democracy, Liberation, OIL, if you have as yet figured it out, please be kind enough to explain it to me, because I figured it out that night in November 2000, while the people of America slept and allowed the supreme court of America select your so called President and in 2004 when another election was stolen by a corrupted election system that was allowed to flourish, because the peoples of America would have had to get up off their butts, and go out and vote, and to understand exactly what the foreign policy of your Country has enacted on the world.

I am sorry if someone left a hateful comment on your site, it was wrong to do so, but then you do not accuse someone of such an act without proof and without knowing the person, that you have accused of such and act, there are many people out there, that are very angry with the foreign policy, and lies of your Heads of Govt that led us to this place of death and destruction.

Also I will not be bothering to link to a site, that sees fit to accuse a person, Like your President does, it denergrates the deaths of so many fine young people who have lost their lives for exactly that purpose.

Peace Kangaroo

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's Rape Of Iraq - At Least 655,000 + +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's Rape Of Iraq 3,124



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