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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Rudy's inner diva is outed

Demands private jet, fancy hotel — and 100G — to give speech, sez Web site

Move over, J.Lo. There's a new diva on the scene - and his name is Rudy Giuliani.

At least that's the impression given by a copy of the basic contract the former mayor and now presidential hopeful requires before giving a speech, a copy of which was posted yesterday on the SmokingGun.com Web site.

In addition to his $100,000 speaking fee, the former mayor insists that he be shuttled to and from any event by a private plane - and not just any plane, mind you!

"Please note that the private aircraft MUST BE a Gulfstream IV or bigger," notes the contract, referring to a $30 million jet that can clock 600 mph.

Once there, Hizzoner demands that he be met by "one sedan and one large SUV," and booked into a hotel room "with a king-size bed, on an upper floor, with a balcony and view," plus four more rooms on the same floor for his entourage.

And, oh, yeah, America's Mayor doesn't like "candid photo opportunities," but he will stand for posed pictures provided they are taken in a room "with sufficient light" and "without direct, on-camera flash bulbs."

Aides to the former mayor declined to comment yesterday on his list of demands. But it comes as Giuliani has asked the Federal Elections Commission for advice on how best to handle his private speech-giving.

Presidential hopefuls who are private citizens are allowed to take money for speeches, as long as they are not raising campaign cash at the event, distributing campaign material or urging audience members to vote for them.

Giuliani's contract notes that he "reserves the right" to hold political events in the same city, but otherwise it is focused mostly on minutiae - right down to who sits next to him at a dinner (his wife, Judith, or a staffer), and how his fans will be kept at a safe distance.

"There must be rope and stanchions to assist with attendee control," the contract states, "as well as staff appointed to push and pull."

Originally published on February 17, 2007



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