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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Former Sen. Fitzgerald(R) recalls pressure over appointment (of Patrick Fitzgerald from Rove)

By Andrew Zajac
Washington Bureau
Published March 14, 2007

WASHINGTON -- In an illustration of the political sensitivities involved in the appointment of a federal prosecutor, former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-Ill.) said Tuesday that White House political advisor Karl Rove told him in the spring of 2001 that he should limit his choice for U.S. attorney in Chicago to someone from Illinois.

According to Fitzgerald, who was determined to bring in a prosecutor from outside the state, Rove "just said we don't want you going outside the state. We don't want to be moving U.S. attorneys around."

Fitzgerald said he believes Rove was trying to influence the selection in reaction to pressure from Dennis Hastert, who was then speaker of the House, and allies of then-Gov. George Ryan, who knew that Fitzgerald was seeking someone from outside Illinois to attack political corruption.

Fitzgerald said he announced his choice, Patrick Fitzgerald (no relation), a New Yorker, on May 13, a Mother's Day Sunday to pre-empt any opposition.

A year or so later, according to Peter Fitzgerald, Rove "said to me that Fitzgerald appointment got great headlines for you, but it ticked off the base."



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