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Monday, March 12, 2007

Good "News": The "Surge" Is "Succeeding"!!

Winter Patriot

...Here's the good news: The surge is succeeding! Iraq is more peaceful now! The American soldiers are winning the hearts and minds of the families whose doors they break down, earning the love and respect of the parents whose daughters they rape and murder, and deserving the eternal gratitude of a nation whose vast oil reserves will soon be controlled by the big oil companies! How could we not be celebrating? Robert Kagan draws most of his material from Mohammed and Omar Fadhil, the thoroughly discredited bloggers propagandistswho bring us the good news from Iraq lie through their teeth at Iraq The Model. Kagan calls the Fadhil brothers "widely respected for their straight talk"; apparently he doesn't realize that their con game was exposed a long time ago. It's surprising that Robert Kagan doesn't know this, especially since he is a co-founder of the neoconservative "think tank" Project for a New American Century and the Fadhil brothers at ITM are there only to do the neocons' bidding. It's also surprising that the Washington Post introduces Robert Kagan as "a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund", without mentioning his relationship to the PNAC or his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations...

continua / continued


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