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Saturday, March 03, 2007

"Nobody Would Believe The Military Would Do This To Their Wounded"

Now why would you believe that Georgie and his gang of thugs would care about the wounded, to them they are colatoral damage, that is all, just like the 655000 - 700000 Iraq dead are colatoral damage, he has always been the same spoiled little brat who has never accomplished anything good in his life, A thug the American nation felt sure they would like to have a beer with. Well I am sure his colatoral damage would not feel like having a beer with him today.

Washington Post March 2, 2007 11:33 PM

In a sign of the seriousness with which Bush takes the situation, the White House announced that he will soon name a commission to look into whether there are similar problems at other military and veterans hospitals. Administration officials took the unusual step of releasing early the text of Bush's regular Saturday radio address, in which the president will vow to ensure that the government meets the physical and mental health needs of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Most of the people working at Walter Reed are dedicated professionals," Bush will say, according to the text. "Yet some of our troops at Walter Reed have experienced bureaucratic delays and living conditions that are less than they deserve. This is unacceptable to me, it is unacceptable to our country, and it's not going to continue."


Unsold "Yellow Ribbon" Magnets Pile Up As War Support Dwindles

Financial Times March 2, 2007 07:57 PM

But as support for the war fades, demand for yellow ribbons has collapsed.

Magnet America, the largest manufacturer of the product, has seen sales fall from a peak of 1.2m in August 2004 to about 4,000 a month and now has an unsold stockpile of about 1m magnets.



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