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Monday, March 12, 2007

Perspective: Four years later Iraqis look back on pre-invasion era with longing

Leila Fadel, Winnipeg Free Press

Four years ago, Iraqi poet Abbas Chaychan, a Shiite Muslim who'd been forced into exile during the predominantly Sunni Muslim regime of Saddam Hussein, hailed the American presence here in a poem that praised the top U.S. diplomat in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer. History is proud to write about him, he said of Saddam. It wasn't a rope that wrapped around the neck / It was the neck that wrapped around the rope.... From his childhood he was a leader, stubborn and against the occupation. As the anniversary of the March 20, 2003, U.S.-led invasion of Iraq nears, many Iraqis, like Chaychan, are expressing nostalgia for the time more than 1,000 days ago when Saddam's statue stood proudly in Baghdad's Fardos Square. Chaychan's reading of his most recent work, in which he calls Saddam the Arab world's "knight" and compares his death to the eclipsing of the sun, has become a popular Iraqi destination on video-sharing services such as YouTube, where his pained voice rings out over a montage of shots of the Iraqi dictator: clenching his fist in the air, sporting his signature beret, at trial holding a Qur'an, with a noose around his neck...

continua / continued


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