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Friday, March 02, 2007

What Doug Feith Left Off His New Website

By Dave Gilson

Doug Feith has been trying to clear his name recently. He helped set up the Pentagon operation that stovepiped bad intel about WMD and Saddam-Al Qaeda links to the White House. Now he says he was just asking "tough questions" about the CIA's work, not trying to peddle bogus theories to justify an invasion of Iraq. Just a skeptical public servant holding those in power accountable. Feith's latest effort in name-clearing is a website that promises to challenge the "media myths" and offers glowing quotes about his character from Donald Rumsfeld and General Peter Pace. Funny, but Feith has conspicuously left off what's probably the most memorable quote about him by a military man he used to work with. Here, let us fix that.

March 1, 2007



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