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Saturday, March 17, 2007

WP: Additional Support Troops Join Buildup in Iraq: Tens of thousands more to come?

Additional Support Troops Join Buildup in Iraq
7,200 Now Slated To Aid Expansion Of Combat Forces
By Ann Scott Tyson and Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, March 17, 2007; Page A14
An aviation brigade will be deployed to Iraq earlier than scheduled at Gen. David H. Petraeus's request. (Pool Photo By Ali Abbas)

Thousands of additional U.S. military support troops are flowing into Iraq to bolster the increase of 21,500 combat troops ordered by President Bush in January, bringing the total to about 28,700.

The Army announced yesterday that it will accelerate by 45 days the deployment to Iraq of an aviation brigade with more than 2,600 troops. The unit will provide attack aircraft, as well as medical-evacuation and transport helicopters, to assist ground troops.

The latest request brings the total increase in support troops, to accompany the buildup in Iraq, to 7,200 -- including 2,200 military police to strengthen detention operations and 2,400 others, such as medics and troops specializing in military intelligence and logistics....

Democrats took the news of the additional troop request as confirmation of their expectations. The Congressional Budget Office had predicted that the 21,500 combat troops that made up Bush's initial troop increase would require tens of thousands more support personnel....With troop increases now approaching 30,000, Democratic leaders may be bolstered as they seek the 218 votes they need to pass war funding legislation that would set a timeline for a withdrawal of U.S. forces. A showdown on the bill is expected on Thursday....

Military officials voiced concern yesterday that although they had anticipated the need for more support troops when the increase in combat forces was proposed, that assessment was not made public. "It was all part of the plan initially, but it didn't get explained well," said the military official in Baghdad....



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