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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dear activists, colleagues and friends,

Fox is at it again and we need you to go to work- fast! Fox just announced they pushed through a deal with the Congressional Black Caucus Institute to host two presidential debates. The first one- a Democratic primary debate is set for September 23rd in Detroit.

Let's tell all the Presidential candidates they should NOT participate in any FOX run charade. ColorOfChange.org has a new petition calling on presidential candidates to not attend the CBCI's Fox hosted debate. The CBC Institute has already announced another debate with CNN, which candidates can opt to attend instead of the Fox debate.

You stood up to Fox and helped prevent the Fox hosting of a Nevada State Democratic Party presidential primary debate. Once again, Fox is attempting to hide its true colors and legitimize itself. We can and we will stop this too- despite Roger Ailes working overtime!

Please, sign the petition and then send this email to ten friends. Lets move quickly before ANY Democratic presidential candidate agrees to participate in this affront to common sense, integrity and real news.

The fight is on. Let Fox know you are mad as hell and going to do something about it.

Thanks, Robert Greenwald


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