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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Didn't take them long? did it. Justice out the window, Republican Style

Source: San Diego Union Tribune

A lawyer for former Poway defense contractor Brent Wilkes told a judge yesterday “there is no way” his client will plead guilty to charges stemming from the Randy “Duke” Cunningham bribery scandal.

The lawyer, Mark Geragos, also said he planned to seek dismissal of the case because he has reason to believe former U.S. Attorney Carol Lam may have leaked secret grand jury documents to the media.

During a hearing yesterday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Phillip Halpern acknowledged unfortunate leaks but was measured in his response. “There's a big difference between rhetoric and actual facts,” he told the judge. “We look forward to Mr. Geragos' filing.”

Geragos contended that Lam wanted the indictments to happen before she was forced from office by the Bush administration. But Lam was meeting resistance from bosses in the Justice Department, who had rejected drafts of indictments against Wilkes and former CIA official Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, saying they needed revisions.



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