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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards's Cancer "More Likely To Be Controlled By Anti-Estrogen Drugs"

Good for You Elizabeth may God be with you, A woman with the courage and dignity, that deserves peoples respect, she is a fighter, something the people of the world have not seen in the White House for 7 years, which has been a cotastrify for the world in General.
Associated Press NEDRA PICKLER April 3, 2007 09:46 PM

Elizabeth Edwards said Tuesday that she got some good news: She has a type of cancer that is more likely to be controlled by anti-estrogen drugs.

Mrs. Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, expressed frustration with reports that she's likely to die within five years. She said doctors can't give her a reliable life expectancy and even if they could, the information would be of no comfort to her.



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