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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Flight 77 Data Recorder Analysis

Interesting video out of England. An Oxford Engineering student somehow got the NTSB's flight data recording and flight animation of Flight 77 by way of the Freedom of Information Act.

This will be of no interest to the "no planes" people. But to the rest of us, it will show graphically to what ends the government went to doctor the evidence.

The flight data recorder shuts off about a second or two before impact while still at an elevation of 273 feet according to planes' radio based altimeter which is different from its barometric altimeter. At 273 feet it could have hit the Pentagon because it was in a dive, but it could not have taken out the light poles.

The video is also interesting in that the engineering student observed that the Pentagon police who were recorded in the video the Pentacon had said the plane took a much more northerly path and hit the west wing of the Pentacon much more directly than what the official version said. This student surmises that much of the damage inside was from bombs.


I had wondered the same thing when I made this post awhile back stating that the Pentacon eyewitnesses had proven that the 911 Commission had its own version of the magic bullet theory. Instead of hitting the west wing at a 42 degree angle (along the downed lamposts flight path) it looks like it hits at about a 15 degree angle. All the damage inside (which may well be from explosives) is at that 42 degree angle. If the plane his at 15 degrees, unless the plane took a hard left on entry, all the damage at 42 degrees was probably caused by explosives.

Does this modus operandi sound familiar? Planes hitting a building then bombs inside doing the dirty work? The link to my past post.


Pentagon OTC -- A New Version of the Magic Bullet? Bombs There Too?

A while back, I wrote a critique of the new video Penatacon and chastised the makers of the video for having a "no planes" agenda.


What I missed at the time was the true implication of what these witnesses, whose testimony I considered to be highly credible, were really saying. The "plane" hit the Pentagon at 90 degrees not the 60-70 degree angle the official version promotes.

If these witnesses are correct, what we have is a new twist on the magic bullet theory so successfully used in Dallas in 1963.


The official version requires the plane to come in at an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees to match the internal damage of the Pentagon. The official version had to match the trajectory of the plane to the internal damage.

If the building was struck at ninety degrees, instead of seventy degrees, unless the plane changed trajectory on impact, all of the damage to the Pentagon would have been straight in, not thirty degrees to the left.

Only two things are possible here if the plane came in at ninety degrees:

(1) the plane made a thirty degree trajectory change on impact, or

(2) explosives were placed in the building in advance to create the damage.

Where or where have I heard this theory before? The plane crashes act as cover for pre-planted explosives in the building and there is indeed proof that explosives were used. Does the MO sound familiar?

Is it time to strap on a new Pentagon tinfoil hat?


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