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Monday, April 02, 2007

Former FBI Agent on Private Business in Iran Missing

By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 2, 2007; 1:52 PM

A former FBI agent has been missing in Iran since March 8, according to U.S. officials.

The unnamed former agent was on private business, but the United States is now sufficiently concerned about his welfare that the State Department today sent a formal message to Iran through Swiss intermediaries asking about his whereabouts and his situation. The Swiss Embassy represents U.S. interests in Iran.

The American was visiting Kish Island, an Iranian resort and "free trade zone" off the country's southwestern coast that does not require an Iranian visa to visit. He had traveled to Iran from the United Arab Emirates, U.S. officials said.

"We don't know where he is. We have no reliable information on him," a senior official said. "I would not characterize him as a hostage."



Blogger Rodger Morrow said...

A report by an Iran news agency, PressTV, suggests that Levinson has been detained by the security apparatus since March 9. Official media accounts, however, contradict this story. I've been tracking the unfolding story at This Isn't Writing, It's Typing.

I've also been in touch with Robin Wright, who has updated her coverage to reflect the PressTV story.

5/4/07 12:37 AM  

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