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Monday, April 09, 2007

Guard Tapped for Possible Iraq Duty (units named)

Source: Associated Press

Guard Tapped for Possible Iraq Duty

By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer

Monday, April 9, 2007

(04-09) 09:37 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

Some 13,000 National Guard troops are receiving notice to prepare for possible
deployment to Iraq, making it the second tour for several thousand of them.

The orders had been anticipated, but the specific units were not announced until
Monday. They are the Army National Guard's 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team,
based in Little Rock, Ark.; 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma City;
the 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Indianapolis; and the 37th Infantry
Brigade Combat Team, Columbus, Ohio.

The units would serve as replacement forces in the regular troop rotation for the
war, and would not be connected to the recent military buildup for security
operations in Baghdad, the Pentagon said.

One unit would deploy in December and the remaining in 2008, the Army said in a



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