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Sunday, April 08, 2007

It took the spilled blood of nearly a 1,000,000 Iraqis for them to realize?

That is the shame of it all, it took them so long to realise the truth that was looking them in the face.

Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq

"Most Americans have little or no confidence in the information they receive from the military or the media about the situation in Iraq, according to a poll released Thursday. The survey by the Washington-based Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 52 percent have little or no faith in the military's portrayal of the four-year war, compared with 60 percent who feel the same way about the press reports of the conflict. The figures are a far cry from the overwhelming confidence Americans had in the military and the media at the outset of the war in March 2003...

continua / continued

...We are Iraqis. And we will fight. We will win. Because ours is a righteous battle. We did not invade the USA. We did not rape its men and women. We did not break into your homes in the dead of night. We did not cause the death and destruction on 9/11. So many of us Iraqis were horrified on that day. For your pain, and for our pain which we knew would come. We did not ask you to "liberate" us. We asked for none of the things that have transpired. You would not believe. You would not listen, because you are beguiled, bewitched and bedeviled...


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