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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

McCain Saves Exclusive Footage Of Iraq Media Tour For Sunday's 60 Minutes

Iraq Slogger ROBERT Y. PELTON April 3, 2007 03:36 PM

John McCain has given exclusive rights to the video of his trip to CBS's 60 Minutes Slogger has learned. Although the Presidential candidate has provided interviews and press conferences while in Baghdad, McCain is apparently saving the good stuff for this Sunday.

The delegation has engendered a hostile and bitter reception from the foreign and U.S. media. The general tone of the U.S. based coverage has been dismissive to insulted. Video tape of the press conference shows an incredulous and perhaps even insulted press corp. After visiting Tikrit and Ramadi McCain met with press and came under intense scrutiny by Baghdad-based media. Sounding weary and tired McCain and his entourage tried to paint a picture of Baghdad being safer than "before". The charade could only last so long. The American military decided to cut off transmission of a press conference when it appeared that McCain's "good news" nemesis Michael Ware raised his hand to ask a question.



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