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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Militias’ reign of terror grips Baghdad again

Ali Mousa, Azzaman

Armed militia groups have resurfaced in Baghdad despite the continuing military operations to purge the city of armed gangs and insurgents. Joint Iraqi-U.S. military operations are continuing as more and more U.S. troops arrive in the city. But the heavy presence of troops on the ground does not seem to act as an effective deterrent to scare off militias and other armed groups. Militias groups, belonging to political factions which are part of the ruling government, now operate openly in major Baghdad neighborhoods such as Suala, Doura, Baghdad Jadida and Kamp Sara. Eyewitnesses say the militias have their patrols and road blocks in these areas and criminal actions like the kidnapping of women and children are taking place in several parts of the city...

continua / continued


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