Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator    

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Malcom Lagauche

In the buildup to Desert Storm, many bumper stickers in the U.S. proclaimed, "Nuke 'Em Till They Glow." In reality, there was some truth in the statement because the U.S. left hundreds of tons of spent uranium in Iraq. This material is very hard and was used in missiles, rockets and bombs. The leftover residue has contaminated much of Iraq and incidences of malformed babies skyrocketed after the conflict. The U.S. again pummeled Iraq with spent uranium in its 2003 invasion of Iraq. But, did the U.S. actually detonate a nuclear weapon during the conflict? Former U.S. Army Captain Eric May came to this conclusion after closely studying the Battle of Baghdad at the international airport. In an interview published on August 25, 2006, he told me:(...) A couple of journalists who were in Baghdad proper talked to the people returning from the battle. The most extreme thing I picked up is that the Battle of Baghdad was started at the airport with the U.S. forces being overwhelmed. It would end up being a six-hour firefight at close quarters and my surmise is that our side was running out of ammo and somebody decided to go nuclear. That seems to be universally acknowledged by everybody on all sides, except the American. (...) Recently, another source made the same allegations. Saifeddin Hassan Taha al-Rawi, the former commander of Iraq’s Republican Guard, was interviewed by Al-Jazeera News about the battle....

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