NY Times op-ed: 'Why the Imus-Coulter disparity?'
Ron BrynaertPublished: Saturday April 14, 2007
"Why the Imus-Couter disparity?" asks Robert Wright, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation who runs the Web site Bloggingheads.tv, in a guest column in Saturday's New York Times.
A few days after radio host Don Imus was fired by CBS, Wright notes, "There has to be an Imus event every once in a while. Ethnicity being the volatile thing it is, gratuitously inflammatory remarks have to be discouraged, so bounds of acceptable speech have to be clarified. Clarity comes when, inevitably, someone oversteps and gets slapped down."
However, Wright wonders, "Do African-Americans get more protection than Muslim Americans?"
"In a speech last year before the Conservative Political Action Conference, Coulter used the word 'raghead,'" Wright continues. "This is a dual-use slur, applied to both Arabs and Muslims, but she was talking about an Iranian, so presumably she was focusing on the religious dimension (consistent with her post-9/11 advice that we 'invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.') The word raghead -- whose only function is to denigrate -- seems as legitimately offensive to Muslims as Imus' utterance was to blacks. The difference is that Coulter didn't apologize."
Compared to the treatment done to Imus, "Brace yourself for the seismic damage done to her career," Wright continues. >>>cont
Mr. Colmes. I am a registered Independant who always votes for Democrats.I am writing to you requesting that you read my petition that is posted on"petitionspot com under CBSHIPOCRISY. Could you please review this petition and hopefully sign it.I would appreciate your feedback about this petition. I am actually pushing for freedom of speech as well as the Hipocrisy that has been so obvious.
At this time I would really like to commend you on your handling of that biggot black panther! You had us all laughing when you guys shut him down and put him in his place.You had him admit that he was a student of Al Sharpton.
I talked to Al Sharpton on the radio the day he had Imus on, the african american girl called him and the president of the nat.assoc. of black journalist Hipocrits. I followed up with the same. He got smoked on his own show it was funny.It is obvious that Al Sharpton is an opportunistical racist.
One more thing; please recommend that Hillary return that 800,000 or give it to fund my petition of CBS radio. I was leaning towards Obama but I now feel that he is an oportunist.He is a motivational speaker but I see through him. And I will not lie with a middle name of Hussein and the fact that he went to school in India I am skeptical of him as being a plant. And the fact that he says he would of voted against the war when he wasn't in position to vote is suspect.
I didn't think anyone voted for the war. I thought they voted to give the president the right to bring our nation into war without a vote from Congress if our country was faced with an Immanent danger??????
I have to say I am dissapointed in Hillary for not running with John Kerry the last time. They would of walked into the White House even with the Republicans commiting voter fraud as we seen happen with the diabold lawsuit and HBO show. Did you see that?
Further on the Hillary matter, if she was John Kerry's running mate they would of been able to appoint all these Supreme court justices. I believe that that is the main reason that evryone is so shaky to vote for her, they feel that she is an oportunist. Then there is Edwards, I like him but I think he is too short to be President. I think this fact hurts his chances . Where is Al Gore????Why can't he run??? Kasynich is looking as the choice for voters out here!
Well I hope that you answer this email and PLease check out my petition.
Respectfully, Kevin Lynch from boston
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