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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Parliament attack work of terrorists countering US plan: Rice 4 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A deadly suicide bombing inside Iraq's parliament complex Thursday was the work of "terrorists" trying to counter the new US security effort in Baghdad, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

"It's obviously again the terrorists and those who wish to stop the Iraqi people from having a future that would be based on democracy and stability," Rice said after meeting with Senator John McCain (news, bio, voting record).

"There will be good days and bad days," Rice said, speaking of the new US security plan which has involved deploying thousands more US troops to Baghdad in recent weeks to counter insurgent attacks and sectarian violence.

"But the commanders are carrying out their responsibilities and working to try to make the population more secure," she said.

"This is still early in the process and I don't think anybody expected that there would not be counter-efforts by terrorists to undermine the security progress that we're trying to make," she said.


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