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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Seeds of Wrath: Bush Sows New Crop of Extremists

Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque

Not that anyone cares or anything, but the Bush-backed "regime change" war in Somalia – another of those quickie "mission accomplished" jobs like Afghanistan and Iraq that somehow never quite get accomplished after all – is still raging, with the worst fighting that the capital of Mogadishu has seen in 15 years. Or to put it another way, not since the last major American intervention into Somalia's affairs – a bipartisan Bush-Clinton operation – in which US troops, taking sides once again in a hydra-headed civil war after the collapse of the regime of an American-backed dicatator, managed to kill around 10,000 Somalis in a few weeks' time: a mass slaughter that was of course eclipsed by the death of 18 U.S. soldiers after their helicopters were shot down and some of their bodies despoiled by revengeful Somalis. (And speaking of revenge: AP notes that US forces killed almost 300 Somalis in just 12 hours following that "Black Hawk Down" incident.)....

continua / continued


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