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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Senate Judiciary Chair: Lost RNC E-Mails

Raw Story Michael Roston April 12, 2007 11:35 AM

The top Senate Democrat leading investigations into the dismissal of 8 U.S. Attorneys by the Justice Department is comparing e-mails lost by the Republican National Committee to President Richard Nixon's famous "18-minute" gap in White House tape recordings.

"Now we are learning that the 'off book' communications they were having about these actions, by using Republican political email addresses, have not been preserved," Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said on the Senate floor.


The White House said today that it may have lost what could amount to thousands of messages sent through a private email system used by political guru Karl Rove and at least 50 other top officials, an admission that stirred anger and dismay among Congressional investigators.


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