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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday in the Market With McCain

"John McCain's April Fools' Day stroll through Baghdad's Shorja market last weekend was instantly acclaimed as a classic political pratfall. Protected by more than a hundred American soldiers, three Black Hawk helicopters, two Apache gunships and a bulletproof vest, the senator extolled the 'progress' and 'good news' in Iraq. Befitting this loopy brand of comedy, the star had a crackerjack cast of supporting buffoons: Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who told reporters 'I bought five rugs for five bucks!,' and Representative Mike Pence of Indiana, who likened the scene to 'a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime.' Five rugs for five bucks: boy, we've really got that Iraq economy up and running now!" says Frank Rich.



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