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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Urgent… Downing an American Chopper in the middle of Baghdad and violent combats in al-Fathel

HAQ agency- exclusive

Our correspondent in al-Fathel area reported in an urgent news that a violent combats is happening since today morning and until now between the American and the governmental forces and between armed men from the other side, the armed men downed American helicopter (Abatchy) during the combats. The correspondent added translating from eyewitnesses that the American and the governmental forces are surrounding the area now and investigating for the falling reason of the Chopper and its crew fate, but the eyewitnesses confirmed that it downed by earth weapons caused downing it...

continua / continued

Eyewitnesses confirmed to our correspondent in al-Fathel area that the combats that begun between armed men and between the American and the governmental forces from the other side after the occupation and the governmental forces killed two youth men from the sons of the area in front of the people after it arrested them, and they decleared that this crime angered the sons of the area and caused breaking out the combats that still until now. And anther news report that another Chopper were downed in al-Fathel area in Baghdad...


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