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Monday, April 16, 2007

The War is Already Nuclear, But We Don't Know It

James T. Moore, American Daily, OH
...Ms. Caldicott is the founder of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, and has, for 25 years been educating the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age. Her article was dated before the war in Iraq, and although it is too long for this page I offer you the key information in it so that we might reflect on what she said and relate it to the unfolding events in this Iraq war. This is how Caldicott began her article: "As the Bush administration prepares to make war on the Iraqi people (...) it is important that we recall the consequences of the last Gulf War. That conflict was, in effect, a nuclear war." As Caldicott points out, during the 1991 Gulf War the U.S. deployed tons of weapons, including anti-tank shells made of depleted uranium 238. U-238 is pyrophoric, and also a potent radioactive carcinogen. That is, when it hits an object it bursts into flames releasing deadly particles that attacks the lungs, penetrates the flesh and produces cancer in lungs, bones, blood, or kidneys...
continua / continued


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