Who paid for Repubs and Dems in our last election?
THE 2006 ELECTION RESULTS HAVE JUST COME IN! Not the polling results for Congress, of course—we got those last November. I’m talking about the money numbers—the votes cast in cash by major corporations eager to elect Congress critters beholden to them.
The final reports to the Federal Election Commission arrived last month, revealing that a record level of corporate money poured into the corrupt system, with the preponderance of it flowing into the coffers of Republican candidates. It was hardly surprising, as George W and GOP congressional leaders have long since hitched themselves to the corporate wagon, loading it with billions of dollars’ worth of special tax breaks, regulatory favors, trade scams, no-bid contracts, subsidies, and other goodies.
The 'Who Paid For...' list
I just got this really informative list -- a great job! I am writing this to suggest that the list be put on your site for forwarding to others, regardless whether they are subscribers or not. It's the sort of thing that should be spread around, especially at this time when the GOP house of cards has started to crumble. People everywhere need to know WHO and WHICH CORPS have continued to support their shit, despite the criminality they have consistently pursued, and which is now coming out . . . in spadefulls.
List of donors to GOP......
Really significant information so we can better vote with our feet.
Corporations that paid-to-play in the last election
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