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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Don't Think of a US Soldier, Unarmed, Abandoned in Iraq's Civil War!

Jeff Cohen writes: "For years, Team Bush has sought to shroud their devastating and deepening Iraq occupation in the myth of troop protection.... The shared pretense of the White House and Democratic leaders is that funding the Iraq occupation is somehow a program on behalf of the troops. Like a subsidy for family farmers.... What Democrats need to be saying, repeatedly, is that it's Bush/Cheney who abandoned several thousand US troops to avoidable deaths in a disastrous occupation, and tens of thousands to horrible injuries. And that they're willing to abandon still more troops to unnecessary death and injury. Democrats also need to talk about polls that consistently show most US troops in Iraq support withdrawal, as do most Iraqis."


Now that Report is 6 years to friking late, I would say

"Fear thrives in myopic and cowardly leadership. There are indeed many real causes of fear, but the approach being taken by many world leaders is short-sighted, promulgating policies and strategies that erode the rule of law and human rights, increase inequalities, feed racism and xenophobia, divide and damage communities, and sow the seeds for violence and more conflict," says Amnesty International's annual report.


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