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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Duck and Cover

William D. Hartung and Frida Berrigan write: "The Bush administration's 'Complex 2030' plan is reviving the nuclear threat."



Blogger Michael said...

If you for one minute believe that reduction in arms to downscale defence is plausible you are mistaken.Once pandoras box was open by Russia the US and Germany it was only a matter of time before the world would be a thorn in every countries side.Given Islams way of blowing themselves up to kill you Id go as far to say,doom is just around the corner given their creedo to wipe out all.Irans president only echoed the sentiment felt around the arab world and it starts with Israel then all western Israeli sympathizers.If youve ever been to Iran you hear and see groups that chant death to the Us and death to Israel on a dialy basis.Its about religion not politics.Politics only give way to strategize around it and skirt the real issue of conflict.Mid Eastern religions is a way of thinking that in their view all westerners are satan who dont believe their way.So to let them aquire WMDs ? While we disarm? Do you always paint yourself in a corner?

5/5/07 4:25 AM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

I dont always paint myself into a corner michaelangeloh, Just don't believe anything the lying Pychopaths in the White House say. To bad the people of America where not interested enough to vote, and elect a leader of Distinction, to lead the free world.

5/5/07 8:59 AM  

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