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Friday, May 18, 2007

Fort Drum Soldiers, Families Mourn Their Dead and Missing GIs in Iraq

Imagine this Comment, "If this is a scare tactic to undermine our resolve, they need to realize our soldiers are trained killers and don't scare," Trained killers to liberate Iraqi Citizens? Finish what Job, there where no WMDs, Iraq was no Threat to America, And Occupation is Liberation?
Truely one of Georgies Miscreants

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
FORT DRUM, N.Y. — Fort Drum soldiers said an ambush in Iraq that left four of their comrades dead and three missing will only work to unite America and strengthen the military's determination.
"If this is a scare tactic to undermine our resolve, they need to realize our soldiers are trained killers and don't scare," said Spc. Dorothy Drake of Los Angeles. "This is more incentive to finish the job.
"The Army is family. This will bring us together. It will bring the country together."
The Pentagon identified the seven soldiers, including naming three of the four killed in the weekend attack near Mahmoudiya, but it was waiting for more testing before the identity of the fourth dead soldier could be confirmed. All were members of the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team.
Pfc. Joseph J. Anzack Jr., 20, of Torrance, Calif., was among them.
Three weeks earlier, Anzack's family had gotten a scare when rumors began circulated that he had died in Iraq. His high school even posted a message outside the campus reading: "In Loving Memory Joe Anzack Class of 2005." >>>cont



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