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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Government of the United States is Illegitimate

Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
...All theories fail to satisfy save one: the US government is no longer legitimate. For some time now, the rest of the world has known what Americans have denied to themselves. The Bush administration has betrayed the people and subverted the rule of law. It has no claim to legitimacy. The illegitimate Bush regime is the sheer exercise of raw, arrogant power hell-bent on illegitimate wars of conquest and oil. The government of the US has become Mass Murder, Inc. This administration is guilty of the ruthless prosecution of unjust and ongoing war crimes and atrocities resulting in the horrible deaths of innocent civilians often with the unspeakable horrific use of white phosperous. The rest of the world saw clearly what Americans simply would not. It saw in the the Bush regime an arrogant, brutal, unjust and criminal junta, a militant gang of usurpers, thugs in suits. Let the Bush apologists and fellow-travelers protest and howl. Screw 'em! They are but his complicit enablers. The truth will be told: the Bush cabal are Nazis or worse!...
continua / continued


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