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Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Great Wall of Baghdad may be going up, but there's still carnage on the streets

Patrick Cockburn, Independent
The first thing Said, a small contractor, did on visiting a military prison in west Baghdad was to pay a $2,000 bribe. The money went to an officer in return for a promise not to torture Said's brother and business partner, Ali. The main payment comes later. For Ali's release, Said will pay a further $100,000. The brothers are Sunni, and the police commandos who arrested Ali are Shia (...) Last Monday, Iraqi government troops stormed Naaman hospital in walled-off Adhamiyah, the last hospital in east Baghdad that Sunnis still thought safe to attend. Snipers were on the roof, and all doctors and patients were ordered out or arrested, except for three in intensive care...
continua / continued


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