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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Misssion Accomplished.'

Felicity Arbuthnot.
Four years ago today the (alleged) Draft Dodger in Chief, landed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and declared: ' mission accomplished' in Iraq. Forty eight blood soaked months later, what exactly has been accomplished? * Possibly as many as one million Iraqi dead, four million fled or displaced internally. The largest exodus since the establisment of the State of Israel in 1948. * The erasing of the history, monuments, archeological sites of the Cradle of Civilisation. * The kidnapping and lynching of the President and members of the legitimate government. * The slaughter of the President's sons and grandson. * One hundred journalists and thirty seven support workers killed. A figure in order of magnitude higher than any war zone on earth (shoot the messengers of thisillegal disaster?) It seemed to be policy from day one, literally. * Over three hundred academics assasinated and thousands fled. The education of the next generation snatched from Iraq's youth, in the country that brought near every academic subject to the world...
Happy Mission Accomplished Day
By the by, Aljazeera International today quoted Iraqi death figures based on Johns Hopkins Lancet Report - 750,000.


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