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Friday, June 01, 2007

Pro-Troops Group Wants Sheehan?s Land

Source: Associated Press
Pro-Troops Group Wants Sheehan?s Land
Associated Press June 01, 2007
FORT WORTH, Texas - Days after Cindy Sheehan announced she was stepping down as the face of the anti-war movement, a pro-troop organization said Friday it plans to buy her protest site outside President Bush's ranch.

But Sheehan doesn't want to sell to just anyone.

"It'll be a cold day in hell before she sells it to them," her sister, Dede Miller, told The Associated Press. "She'll sell it to them for $5 million."

Move America Forward wants to place a monument to the troops on the 5-acre site in Crawford, about 100 miles south of Fort Worth.


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