-/- A Red Line -/-
Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues - Reflections in a sealed bottle...
Never had I fathomed, not even in my remotest imagination, that a day will come when God's houses will be attacked and destroyed. The way they are today, in Iraq...Never. This was and remains the most unthinkable, unacceptable act to me and to countless others... This Red Line is now crossed...Crossed, transgressed, trespassed into blasphemy... In fact, this Red Line was first crossed when the American brave boys started blowing up minarets...The first in Fallujah. The Red Line was crossed when they desecrated the sacred places, ransacking them, setting them on fire, tearing, spitting and urinating on the Holy Book, painting crucifixes on the walls, stealing Mosques treasuries....And above all, killing people in them...
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