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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Slap Doesn't Stick: Corrupted Congress Will Help Bush Escape Court Ruling

Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque

Sidney Blumenthal adds a worthy comment to the recent ruling by the arch-conservative federal court that struck down George W. Bush's outrageous claims to tyrannical power. The court recognized what we have been saying here (and elsewhere) for years: that Bush's claims, if accepted, mean the end of even the pretense of a constitutional republic in the United States. However, Blumenthal also notes that the ruling has changed nothing "on the ground." Bush has not altered his policies in the light of this stinging rebuke from his own side of the ideological divide. In fact, just last week, one of his mouthpieces strenuously defended Bush's abuse of "signing statements" -- his regular declarations that he is not bound by the laws passed by the people's representatives in Congress...


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