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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wanker, your losing it big time.

Bill Kristol is Afraid of Liberal Bloggers
I guess since JetBlue decided to cave in to Bill O'Reilly, the Fox Republicans thought they might as well keep on bashing bloggers to see who else is spineless enough to listen to these blowhards. So today on Fox "New" Sunday, Bill Kristol threatened that Democratic presidential candidates will pay a price in '08 because they're about to "pay to court" Markos. That is the singularly most stupid statement I've heard about the relationship between bloggers and the '08 candidates. As an aside, conservative writers have been courting Bush and Cheney for years, with David Brooks and Stephen Hayes practically offering press releases for the Administration in everything they write. The real issue is that the blogosphere, its readers and the activist community who operate on the web, including taking in millions of dollars collectively, now have the American people behind us. Seventy percent and counting want out of Iraq. Kristol's frustration is that he doesn't like Democrats actually listening to the people. He's much more comfortable telling the masses what to think and having them follow along. That progressive blogs and our readers have systematically destroyed the credibility of the conservatives today, by highlighting and focusing on the contagion of leadership ineptitude and fecklessness, has finally caused Kristol to crack.
Classic Kristol:
KRISTOL: Every Democratic presidential nominee is going to the DailyKos convention. That’s the left-wing blogger who was not respectable three or four years ago. The Howard Dean kind of sponsor. Now the whole party is going to pay court to him and to left wing blogs. Not a single one is going to the Democratic Leadership Council meeting in a couple of weeks. That’s the organization that Bill Clinton was head of in the early ’90s — that was supposed to be the new, more moderate Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has gone left and it will hurt them in 2008.
Think Progress has more of the transcript, as well as Juan Williams' retort, which shut Kristol down completely, because he offered the bottom line: When are we supposed to say enough is enough in terms of Iraq?


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