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Saturday, August 25, 2007


Allen L Roland's Radio Weblog
As Bush blindly tries to ward off the looming failure of his illegal war and occupation of Iraq he turns to an analogy with Vietnam which is quite ironic in that both wars were illegal acts of pre-emptive aggression unsanctioned by international law or world opinion and both were built on a foundation of lies and deception: Allen L Roland. Isn't it ironic that a President who did everything he could to avoid the Vietnam war, even to the extent of going AWOL from his Air Force unit in the last year of his reserve duty, is now attempting to use Vietnam as his self serving crutch in attempting to justify the catastrophic failure of his illegal war and occupation of Iraq ~ ignoring the fact that both wars were illegal acts of pre-emptive aggression unsanctioned by international law or world opinion and both were built on a foundation of lies and deception...


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