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Thursday, August 02, 2007

News Corp. donated $2.5 mln to (Dow Jones) committee member

Source: Reuters
Dow Jones & Co. Inc. said on Thursday it did not know that one of the people named to protect its editorial independence after it becomes part of News Corp. runs a foundation that received $2.5 million in funding from Rupert Murdoch's global media conglomerate.
News Corp. selected Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Nicholas Negroponte to be part of the five-member special committee that will oversee the editorial independence of Dow Jones's news operations. The move was part of its $5.6 billion deal to buy the publisher of the Wall Street Journal.
... News Corp.'s donation now raises issues over Negroponte's objectivity, a journalism expert said.
"If in fact Nicholas' foundation is receiving money from News Corp., that creates the perception and, quite possibly, the reality of a conflict," said Louis Ureneck, chairman of the journalism department at Boston University.
... Asked if News Corp. saw any conflicts of interest in Negroponte's appointment, the company said no and defended his integrity.


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