Occupation 101

Compared to this occupation, even colonialism looks like a nice ride. At least, colonialism still managed to build a road or two, a couple of schools and maybe a health dispensary. But tell me, what has this occupation done apart from destroy ? Do you understand the word DESTRUCTION ? Do you know what it means? Ok, let me refresh your memories since you do not know what destruction is. Remember when you had two towers crumbling to the ground, in a mass of rubbles, with fire shooting all over the place ? Yes, that is destruction. Ok, let me refresh some more since you happen to have a few amnesic lapses. Do you remember your 3'000 dead and their families still seeking therapy 6 years down the line?Yes, that is destruction. Do you remember how that tiny spot looked so desolate, empty, ravaged, afterwards ? Yes, that is destruction. Do you remember the people crying, shocked, lost ? Yes, that is destruction. But that was no occupation. Occupation is multiplying that one episode of destruction by 1000. Nay, by 1'000.000.000 and you get the full picture today. THAT IS CALLED OCCUPATION. Your tanks rolling on pavements where people are meant to be walking, destroying the pavements and the lamp posts on their way and running over a couple of civilians. That is OCCUPATION. Your guns shooting innocent civilians at checkpoints just because one of your shits is having a bad day. That is OCCUPATION. Your jets roaming the skies day and night and bombarding neighborhoods and villages and killing children, women and men. That is OCCUPATION. Your especially designed prisons filled with innocent "local" detainees, for years without trial. That is OCCUPATION...
Some american "lady" wrote to me, saying that she is "distressed" and getting quite "depressed" reading my blog. And she asked me if I could write about more "positive" things instead. Because, she assured me, she liked my writings... Dear "american lady" (does that exist, a lady in the U.S?) My writings and my reality depress you? Oh! Am so sorry... Maybe you can tell your fucked brave boys to get the fuck out of my country for starters. Then you can start paying full compensation from your tax money, preferably on an compulsory basis. After all you have paid for the "war, surge" effort. Then you are to personally look after at least 3 Iraqi families that your government and your sleeping, obese, ignorant, stupid, people have contributed to make destitute. Wait, am not done "lady". You are also to personally come to Baghdad, and help us in burying our dead ones, those we find on the streets daily, and not only that. You are to put your big fat ass on some chair and work out logistics. How many years, people, how much money, material,and time are needed to reconstruct what you have destroyed. And am still not done. You are to stand up in public in the middle of Firdaus square, where the Statue of Saddam Hussein stood tall and you are to officially apologize to all of Iraq for murdering their president, for all the mayhem you wrecked, and ask for, no, beg for forgiveness from every single Iraqi you meet...
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