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Friday, August 17, 2007

There are now almost 200,000 private 'contractors' deployed in Iraq by Washington.

Didn't they marginalise and dump General Shinseki for telling Congress they would need 200000 to secure Iraq post war
Army chief says 200,000 troops needed to keep the peace

Hmmmmmm seems Georgie wanted to give all the war profits to his Mercenary Revolution
Jeremy Scahill The Mercenary Revolution: Flush With Profits From the Iraq War

Jeremy Scahill, of the Indypendent, reports: "With almost no congressional oversight and even less public awareness, the Bush administration has more than doubled the size of the U.S. occupation through the use of private war companies. There are now almost 200,000 private 'contractors' deployed in Iraq by Washington. This means that U.S. military forces in Iraq are now outsized by a coalition of billing corporations whose actions go largely unmonitored and whose crimes are virtually unpunished."


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