No Past, No Future...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues - Reflections in a sealed bottle...
Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed ?Anything at all ? And you dare wonder why I detest you so much...And you have the audacity to come to my blog to question me about my origins, my location, my ideas, my roots, my sense of belonging... What kind of a race are you ? What kind of a people are you ? Yes, I said people not government. I am not politically correct. Your government is part of you and you are part of it. Like it or not. And don't come and tell me in your sheepish ways that I know all too well : " Oh, but I did not vote for this one" (...) I know, I know, some of you are good people... I know, I know, America is not a homogenous group... I know all that shit. It does not make one iota of difference in my life and that of other Iraqis. I no longer give a damn about your nuances, your political leanings, how good or how bad you are...It is meaningless to me and to countless others. Our lives have been ruined, totally ruined...We do not give a fuck about your nuances. And all I know if that you have destroyed my country. Beyond repair. The past - you have looted and destroyed. Trying to erase our collective historical memory...Our roots, where we came from, what our ancestors did, their achievements, their trials, their statues, their writings (... ) You wanted regime change in Iraq - you got it. You also changed us, me, beyond anything I can recognize...I never hated you before. Today I do. I really hate you. You collectively disgust me. Even our ancient Mesopotamian deities and spirits are disgusted with you. Every single letter of the Alphabet is disgusted with you...
continua / continued
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