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Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Outrage of Blackwater

Abdul Razzaq al-Rubaie, Azzaman - Translated By James Jacobson, Watching America
...What was the result of the Blackwater Company's crime, which has so tarnished the face of American security? The death of about 15 martyrs and the wounding of over 30 people – a death toll so high that it would have caused the fall of the government in any country other than Iraq!! And all this happened in clear sight and hearing of American diplomats who suffered no harm, except for the disturbing sound of the explosions taking the lives of so many innocent bystanders!! And what has the government done? It deplored and denounced this company which it licensed, and which then denied that its contract had been canceled!!! What did America do? Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed regret to the families of the victims. Unfortunately, this year American politicians have expressed regret so often that their tongues have become veritable factories for producing apologies!!! - always agreeing to cooperate in order to carry out an investigation!! - Which will certainly be inconclusive due to a lack of evidence!!!....
continua / continued


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