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Friday, September 07, 2007

Please, Sir, May I Have Another? Surrender Monkeys on Parade

Chris Floyd , Empire Burlesque
September 6, 2007Democrats Newly Willing to Compromise on Iraq
There is really nothing to say about this that we haven't said a hundred times before, except perhaps this small observation:
Why say the Democrats are newly willing to "compromise" on Iraq? When exactly have they not been willing, even eager, to support -- and extend -- the war of aggression in Iraq?
As for the substance of the story, it's not worth the slightest attention. Who on God's earth could possibly care about the mental dribblings of such wet rags as Carl Levin and Harry Reid, as they discuss their "strategy" for further capitulation? We've said it before here, many times, but we'll say it again because it remains the truth -- the only description for these poltroons is that given by the Emperor Tiberius to a similar bunch of toadies in the Roman Senate: "Men fit to be slaves."
But hey, let's not be completely grim. We have made some progress since those ancient days of endless war on the imperial frontiers -- our Senate has women fit to be slaves, too!
Meanwhile, for more on another reason why the Democrats continually cave in on issues of vital national interest -- besides the fact that they are wet rags fit to be slaves, that is -- see this fascinating and erudite piece by Jon Schwarz:
Democrats And The Iron Law Of Institutions
continua / continued


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